3 Things To Do Before School Starts

1. Have a day of fun. One last hoorah is a great way to end the summer and bring in the school year. Have the kids write down 3 things they want to do. Pick at least one thing from each and HAVE FUN. Take a day off work if you can! (And take lots of... Read More →
A Pokemon Care Package

In June, I sent out a Facebook ‘Bat Call’ for Pokemon cards. A few weeks ago, we got this package in the mail. Ryan… 1) was thrilled to get a box in the mail 2) couldn’t believe it was for him 3) has no idea how to open a taped box 4) was amazed at... Read More →
The ‘Mom Love’ Campaign

Mother’s Day is here, and it’s my eleventh Mother’s Day as a mom. My world shifted so significantly in becoming a mom that I almost can’t remember who I was before. I had goals, but they were selfish goals. I had a really organized house, but I never had a home like I do now. I didn’t have... Read More →