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It’s Jiggy Day – 20 Things I Love About Isabel

- October 8, 2012 - by , in family life, with 6 comments -

It’s Jiggy Day. As I read Lisa’s blog post today, I realized that I needed to make a list of my own. Sometimes, I forget to notice these things. But they NEED to be noticed and the NEED to be told to our kids – frequently.

20 things I love about Isabel:

  1. those infinite eyes
  2. the way she gets completely wrapped up in a project
  3. her love of all things creative
  4. reading together in my bed
  5. when she fries herself an egg
  6. how much she loves making and giving presents
  7. the way she cares with her whole self
  8. her sneaking out of her room at night to peek in at my Skype
  9. picking her up from school to find her helping her teacher
  10. how responsible she is
  11. that she’ll do her homework, even if it’s not graded
  12. her willingness to help me whenever I need it
  13. taking pictures of her; she said she’d ‘NEVER’ mind
  14. her attention to detail; you can’t slip anything by her
  15. eating breakfast with her at Chuckwagon
  16. when she patiently teaches her brother
  17. swimming in the pool with her
  18. cooking with her
  19. watching her learn new things
  20. that she will play with the ‘loner kid’

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  • Ah…this is so perfect and it thrills me to see your twenty things documented! I have tons of love for both you and Isabel on Jiggy Day.

  • Reading your post & Lisa’s post has me in tears. Getting to know who Jocie was through Lisa is a gift. Lisa is a gift. Having the opportunity to know Isabel is a gift. I surround myself with people who inspire me in life and who make me want to be a better person. You & Lisa are mothers who love so completely. Your children will be better people because of who you are. I am a better person because of who you are.

  • Jules

    I hate to appear lazy, but ditto what Aurora said! I honestly can’t say it any better than she did. Love this post, you and Lisa!

  • Deneen

    Another ditto on what Aurora said here. Hugs and much love and someday I hope to meet Miss Isabel in person and give her a big hug too!

  • […] is Jiggy Day!  As I read my friend Lisa’s blog post and then my friend Marilou’s blog post I wanted to do this for the wee one.  The other day I was just telling a couple of friends how […]

  • Isabel is beautiful inside and out! This is a beautiful tribute to Jiggy Day!