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Girl Scouts Camp Out

- February 1, 2011 - by , in family life, with 2 comments -

Girl Scout Camp Out

Girl Scout Camp Out

I went to my first real camp out Saturday. You know, tents, cooking outdoors, screaming girls. It was a Girl Scouts camp out, did I mention that? And luckily, there were actually bathrooms there.

It was all fantastic until the sleeping part. Arts and crafts, delicious food, camp fire. But I somehow though I’d be fine sleeping in the cold (mid-50s is COLD for camping) with no sleeping bag or air mattress or cot. I slept maybe all of 10 minutes.

Next time, I’m riding in style with one of these. I seriously considered a midnight battle to the death to steal one from another mom. Maybe I should camp more than once every 30 years before I invest in a cot, though. Maybe.

I feel really lucky to be getting to know the girls and their moms better. I have made valued friendships already.

How does Ryan feel about Girl Scouts?

Girl Scout Camp Out

He is counting the days until he is six years old, so he can join the Cub Scouts. I know he can join at five, but HE doesn’t know that.


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  • Keri

    Jack has his first cub scout camp out this weekend. Two nights. My husband is taking him. Love the pics

    • I’m seriously getting a cot next time there is a “real” camp-out! Ryan needs to join the cub scouts. I need to sucker my husband into it!

      Lucky for us, Ryan really thinks that there’s a rule you have to be six years old to join.