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Ain't no messin' around.

Lazy Sailing Sunday

- February 1, 2011 - by , in family life, with 0 -

In the theme of lazy, I’m not going to write much. Sunday, I took a nap all morning to recover from the GS Camp Out. The kids watched Tooth Fairy. In the afternoon, we went sailing.

The kids enjoyed the boat. We weren’t out for long. Sailed the bay between Coconut Grove toward Key Biscayne. It was cool and still. Isabel and Ryan were all about the chips and cookies and walking around and around the boat. Holding on the wire for safety. Felix taught them a lot about sailing. I played with my camera – still frustrated about how little I know. Went to Flanigan’s for dinner. Was super slow, so went to Scotty’s Landing. Much better.

Sailing Photo

Sailing Photo