The Blog

Ain't no messin' around.

Evenings on the Street

- February 17, 2011 - by , in family life, with 2 comments -

Could be the title of a really bad TV show, eh?

My dad picks the kids up early once a week. When he does, they sometimes get to play with the neighbors. (Don’t tell them it’s exercise.)

There is much neighbor-love to be shared, as you can see. We are very lucky. Our neighbors were even nice enough let me practice for my photography assignment. I’m taking The Photographer’s Workshop at Snapshots of a Good Life, did I mention that? [I am seriously impressed with Karen Russell; she’s an amazing teacher! I highly recommend you take her class if you are at all into photography.]

Anyway, here are some pictures I took yesterday evening. I was practicing “The Exposure Triangle.” My goal is to post photos that have not been edited, so these photos are straight off the camera. They are a bit more saturated and dark than the original (RAW) files, but I kind of like tone of these pictures. It gives off that sunset feel. Anyway, that’s what I tell myself!

And in case you were wondering, the fourth one shows Ryan showing me why he doesn’t need a helmet to ride the Razor. He can fall with style. The sixth one shows Isabel hamming it up, as is her style.

Thanks, neighbors, for letting me play with my favorite gadget! And for letting me post these. I really love them.

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