Another Lazy Sunday (those are my favorite kind)
- April 11, 2011 - by Marilou Jaen, in family life, with 1 comment -
After a Girl Scouts camp out at the Seaquarium, I was ready for a Lazy Sunday. And lucky for me, we had one! Here are some photos of our day.
- Lunch at Quizno’s is a weekend tradition
- Ryan slurps his lemonade
- Isabel doesn’t pose (making me very happy)
- Ryan continues slurping (making me less happy)
- Caught the boys watching cartoons like this
- I took Isabel to Elements of Time…
- …so she could spend some of her allowance money
- She finally picked Charlie, a fellow diva
- Good choice, Isa! Way to save up for something you really love.
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What a great Sunday! I just love Isabel’s stare away from the camera. That seems to be her look. Beautiful eyelashes!