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Blossoming Friendship

- January 13, 2011 - by , in family life, with 1 comment -

My sister and her kidlets came to defrost for a weekend, then headed right back up to the Boston snow storms. (I rather think they should have stayed a while longer – for many reasons.) The kids are matching in age with mine here in Miami. Hint: You can tell who lives where by their shading in these photos.

I am so severely enjoying watching the girls develop their own relationship. Two almost opposite personalities are figuring it out all on their own. How to be friends and get along. The reserved with the overpowering. The sweet with the sassy. The boys will figure it out soon enough, too. If we leave them together long enough.


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  • PAPA

    A good start. As a parent I always thought kids could never teach ME anything I didn’t already know. As a Grandpa I realize I can’t teach them anything. Even at eight (perhaps at five), they pick it up so fast, I fear they will leave me behind. But what these kids still learn is from the example we set for them and their parents.