Even When My Name Was Popular…
- January 13, 2014 - by Marilou Jaen, in random thoughts, with 2 comments -
… it wasn’t popular. And that was in the 1930s.
Then I went, got married, and changed my name from Marilou Allan to Marilou Jaen – and doomed myself for life. It’s pronounced Mary Lou Jah-en, if you were wondering. That’s ‘Jah’ as in Jamaica. En as in End this post already. (Alright. I can take a hint. Rant over.)
Thanks for the site link, Jennifer! What’s your name’s trend? Check it at the Baby Name Wizard – Voyager. Post your link in the comments!
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Maureen hit its apex in 1945 and has pretty much dropped off to oblivion since then. This totally confirms my fear that it’s becoming an old lady name. (Still like it, though.)
And both of my last names have been bungled. So I feel your pain.
I like it, too, Maureen!