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You Just Wait

- September 2, 2011 - by , in family life, with 1 comment -

From the time when Isabel was a baby, I remember other moms telling me “You just wait…”

As in, “You just wait until she starts crawling… It’s so much harder, then.” And “You just wait until she starts walking… It’s impossible.” And “You just wait. Two is so much harder than one. You have no idea.”

In my experience, though, things have gotten easier with each stage of independence. And I’ve always enjoyed watching my two kids grow into themselves. When Isabel started walking, I was happy not to have to carry her heavy self all around. When I have two kids, it means they entertain each other half the time. It’s nice not to be so needed… sometimes. That is not to say that there aren’t times when I ache for them to fit in my arms and lie on my shoulder. I remember the baby days, and miss them from time to time. I used to think that meant I wanted another baby. Now, I KNOW better. I enjoyed that stage, but I don’t want to be distracted from enjoying my kids NOW.

And I’m loving watching Isabel grow into a tween. The way she is caring about herself and her appearance. Sporting a new haircut she picked all on her own. Spending time talking with friends from camp. Painting her nails. Loving it.

Isabel is officially a TWEEN. Brushes, phone conversations, admiring her new haircut in the mirror. I'm excited about this new phase of her childhood.

Talking on the phone with Thea - a friend from Girl Scout camp.

Talking on the phone with Thea - a friend from Girl Scout camp.


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  • Nancy

    As my children grow, I have found their independence can be more of a challenge. You are so right to enjoy every stage…it prepares you for what is to come. Isabel is growing up beautifully. Love the photos and the story that they tell.