Marilou Jaen

All posts by Marilou Jaen

Happy Two Month Birthday, Paddy!

Happy Two Month Birthday, Paddy!

Two months ago, yesterday, THIS happened. Ryan dropped it. And felt horribly about it. And punished himself for it – “Mom, I know… you don’t have to feed me dinner tonight.” (Which was a LOT coming from this starving boy.) “Mom, how about no TV, computer, or video games for two months?” (How do I... Read More →

I Love It When / 3

I Love It When / 3

I love it when morning time is stay in bed time. I love morning snuggles and play. And geography lessons. And still-tired eyes. And sibling love. And, sometimes, I even love the ‘attitude.’ As long as it’s quickly forgotten. And we are back to geography lessons. (These shots were taken on August 11, 2012 and... Read More →

Vitamin D Time

Vitamin D Time

Last weekend, Isabel decided to prepare for an ice skating party by practicing on her roller skates. I don’t think it worked out as well as she intended. (I hear there was some wall clinging at the ice rink – it is NOT easy!) I forced Ryan off the computer for some ‘Vitamin D’ time,... Read More →

Summer Road Trip

September 21, 2012

family life

This summer, my family joined my parents for a road trip. It was maaahvelous. I loved it so much I could write a book about it! Here is that book (flash required):   << I swear there was a book here. There is no longer. I’ll work on that! >>   I look forward to... Read More →

Handy Manny

I LOVE it when Rene teaches the kids how to make stuff. This was a new bed we bought way back in August (built the 11th, to be exact). I’m catching up on some old stories. I remember “helping” my dad build things as a kid. There is something empowering about it. I think Isabel... Read More →

Eight little turtles

When sea turtles fail to make it out of their nest, it’s not the end for them just yet. A team of scientists rescues them and then charges a spit load* of money for people to come and learn about turtles, see the baby turtles up close, and go out in the pitch dark to... Read More →